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Monday, 17 March 2014

The Power of Prayer...and Wheatgrass

The Power of Prayer...and Wheatgrass. 

This wonderful story was written by my good friend and is a must read for anyone with or has a loved one with Crohns Disease. 

My daughter Kara was diagnosed with Crohns Disease in 2003. After the initial diagnosis, she was fortunate to remain in remission for ten years. This past summer, in August 2013, Kara experienced her first serious flare up due to her illness. On two occasions she required hospitalisation. Once in August and again in November. After a series of tests and blood work, they discovered three abdominal abscesses. Doctors explained to us that the routine treatment for abscesses is drainage. Because of the location of her abscesses, (behind her bowel) it made this procedure very difficult, especially with all of the inflammation that was present. It was decided at this point to put Kara on "total bowel rest", which meant no food, very little liquids and and IV line called a Pic line to be inserted into her arm, which would administer her calories and nutrients, and also antibiotics. Kara began this treatment in December and it continued through January.

It was at this time that a dear friend of ours, Gina Nostrant, discussed with us the benefits of juicing Wheatgrass. I googled the benefits, and we decided to give it a try, as we had nothing to lose. We ran to the store, bought ourselves an Omega Juicer, some wheatgrass, and there the relationship began. We juiced religiously even taking our juicer with us to Florida.

In the month of January we met with two colorectal surgeons. Both expressed serious doubt that the abscesses would ever heal. Chances were very slim they told us and not to get our hopes up. They suggested Kara continue with the IV for as long as she could bear it, and then follow up with some scans to see if any progress had been made. It was their hope that inflammation would subside a bit and allow for an easier way to drain the abscesses.

Kara had a scan in January which showed significant shrinkage of the abscesses. We were thrilled. She slowly weaned herself off of the pic line, and continued to watch her diet closely, take her meds, and juice every day. Unfortunately, we were to endure one more bend in the road. Kara became sick last week, with nausea, vomiting and some abdominal pain. Once again, a trip to the doctor, where she had more blood work, and some scans. From the scans they learned that Kara had a small bowel obstruction, but the abscesses had COMPLETELY healed. We were elated to hear this, and we are hopeful that Kara's obstruction can be managed and healed with some strict dietary choices. (Let me mention, Kara had become very lax with her diet, as she was feeling back to normal). Small bowel obstructions are relatively common to patients with Crohns Disease. They are due to the inflammation and scar tissue caused by flare ups. Depending on the size and location, obstructions can be treated with steroids, diet, and in worst cases, surgery. In Kara's case, we are treating with prednisone, and hopeful this will heal inflammation and correct the obstruction.

So as of today, Kara is feeling strong and confident, that she will continue to heal, and continue to grow stronger each day. I believe that there are a lot of things that helped Kara to recover. We have a strong spiritual support group, many friends and family members who prayed for Kara, said countless novenas, and still continue to keep her in their daily prayers. I believe in meditation and the power of positive thinking. I believe in the medical community, the doctors and surgeons who shared their knowledge. But also, I will never underestimate my belief in the benefits of juicing wheatgrass. I was sold from the first second I began my research. I think wheatgrass played a huge part in Kara's intestinal healing and we will continue to juice every day!!!!