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Friday, 28 February 2014

Our one day JUICE FAST and how it WORKS

 Our one day JUICE FAST and how it WORKS
I have been getting many questions lately about fasting. People are interested to know why I do it and what the benefits are. I love talking about it! Thank you! It's very easy to incorporate this healthy habit into a busy life. It may seem out of your comfort zone, but anyone can do it. It's not that hard. The first week is a little challenging but then it gets easier. I have been fasting for over 4 years now, can't imagine not doing it. It resets me each week. I was especially grateful for doing it this past week. Had spent 3 days on the beach in Naples the week before. Ate what I wanted and drank a few :) Long Island Ice Teas. Felt fine, happy when I was doing it, but it's what happens 2 days later that matters. I felt like I was addicted to sugar. Fasting is a reset.
First, the answer to 'why' we fast.  That is simple
Our bodies are made up of approximately 75 trillion cells. When we can keep all of our cells healthy, we experience good health. We keep our cells healthy by providing them with the right nutrients and by keeping them free of toxins. However, we are not perfect. Thankfully God created our bodies to constantly repair, and renew.

But what's happened is that we are eating so many foods these days that are extremely hard for our bodies to assimilate and digest. So instead of our bodies healing us, healing our cells, they are working overtime just to digest all the food we are taking in.
   One day a week you allow your body to use all it's energy to restore, repair and rejuvenate itself. The energy going to digestion is now freed up to go to where the body needs it. Right now take notice of where you feel weak, or perhaps you have an injury? Your body is smarter than you can imagine and it will go to work on repairing all parts of itself that need attention. 
This is prevention at it's best. Instead of the illness appearing first, take preventive measures now, once a week. Let the body do the work it needs to do to keep you healthy. 
So, that is the 'why' and here is the 'how'.
It is easy. We fast Tuesday dinner to Wednesday dinner each week. During the day on Wednesday I will drink hot water with lemon and a few green drinks. I juice the same thing every day, cucumber celery and lemon. A lot of times by dinner I'm not really that hungry. I do believe this type of discipline has really helped my self control. Another interesting note is that, each day, the body goes through a detox/cleansing from 3am to 11am. Every day.
There is a group of people who join me in fasting each week. I like to keep in touch with them and provide encouragement and support. We talk about our symptoms, sometimes feeling really good, sometimes detoxing. It is a lot of fun and the ongoing results are all about being healthy. I would love for you to do this too. Contact me anytime to talk about it.
Great websites for more info. on fasting:

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